More Than a Job
Your Chance  |  Your Choice  |  Your Future

More Than a Job
Your Chance  |  Your Choice  |  Your Future

Click here to visit our YouTube Channel!

Make your Commitment
to Chicago’s youth!

Get engaged by submitting an application
to provide a summer job.

If you’re interested in supporting young talent by sponsoring their wages,
please apply for our Corporate Partnership Program by May 15th.

Corporate Parnership Application

Make your Commitment to Chicago’s youth!

Get engaged by submitting an application to provide a summer job.

If you’re interested in supporting young talent by sponsoring their wages, please apply for our Corporate Partnership Program by May 15th.

Corporate Parnership Application

Make your Commitment to Chicago’s youth!

Get engaged by submitting an application to provide a summer job.

If you’re interested in supporting young talent by sponsoring their wages, please apply for our Corporate Partnership Program by May 15th.

Corporate Parnership Application

Click here to visit our YouTube Channel!


should I participate?


should I participate?


It's a small investment for a big return. When you hire a young person or provide a meaningful work experience, young people are more engaged, more connected to community and more likely to complete school. Help your business while helping Chicago's talented youth gain employment this summer.


can I participate?


can I participate?


Your organization and/or company can participate in One Summer Chicago by hiring youth directly to work for your company (Corporate Parnership Application) or by serving as a worksite (application closed May 2, 2024).

If your company is already hiring youth for summer employment, please let us know by filling out this simple form so we can recognize your efforts.

Thank you for supporting Chicago's youth. Your involvement is essential in building tomorrow's workforce.

For more information, contact

our recent

corporate partners

our recent

corporate partners

our recent

community employers

our recent

community employers